
The Zoosafari / Fasanolandia is a tourist and cultural reality that always enjoys great media feedback in the press and on local TV, national and foreign. Just to mention the most important interventions of the past seasons, we mention: Our Park always appears to visitors with innovations that make it visited every year as it was almost the first time. Even in 2010 we have worked in this direction and we are proud to announce the arrival of a rare African antelope, the bongo, and then addax antelope, oryx, wildebeest … and two renovated educational and scientific sessions, one with bottle-nosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and one with large parrots of different species. Another novelty is the arrival of zoological an adult couple of huge monitor lizards Asian (Varanus salvator) about 2.5 meters long. and second only to the Komodo dragons. Fortunately, these specimens are quite docile and patient, having grown up since ‘puppies’ in Vietnamese captivity in a park. Finally, how can we forget the birth of little Goddess, a beautiful puppy of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) which is the third specimen of this species born in our Park in recent years...